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  • Ciesielska, J., Obłuski, A., Stark, R. (2018). The Cemeteries of Ghazali, Season 2015/2016, in: A. Lohwasser, T. Karberg, J. Auenmüller (eds), Bayuda Studies. Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Archaeology of the Bayuda Desert in Sudan (Meroitica), Westfälische Wilhelms–Universität Münster Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie, Münster, 257–272
  • Obłuski, A. (2018). El-Ghazali – a royal monastery in Northern Sudan?, Sudan and Nubia 22, 155–166
  • Obłuski A., Ciesielska J., Stark R., Chlebowski A., Misiurny A., Żelechowski-Stoń M., el-Din Mahmoud Z. (2018). Qatar-Sudan Archaeological Project: Excavations at the Ghazali monastery from 2014 to 2016, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 27/1, 245–271
  • Obłuski, A., Ochała, G., Calaforra-Rzepka, C., Korzeniowska, M., Maślak, S., & ed-Din Mahmoud, E. (2017). The winter seasons of 2013 and 2014 in the Ghazali monastery. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 26(1), 367–398.
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